02/11/2018 - On 23rd October last, the Government approved Minister Zappone’s recommendation for the forensic excavation of the available site of the former Mother and Baby Home, Tuam, Co. Galway. The Government has agreed to implement the multi-disciplinary framework, known as Humanitarian Forensic Action, as the appropriate response to the discovery of children’s remains interred at this site. The actions which will now be taken are:
- a phased approach to the forensic excavation and recovery of the juvenile human remains in so far as this is possible;
- the use of systematic on-site ground-truthing and test excavations to effectively locate potential burials;
- the forensic analysis of any recovered remains and, where possible, individualisation and identification, and
- arrangements for respectful reburial and memorialisation and the appropriate conservation of the site.
All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that the children interred at the site have a dignified and respectful burial and assist their families, and the wider community, in seeking answers to as many questions as possible.
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs also published on its website Dr. Geoffrey Shannon’s report ‘Human Rights is-sues at the former site of the Mother and Baby Home, Tuam, Co. Galway’ which examined a number of human rights issues related to these matters.
The following information relating to the Government’s Decision can be found on the Department’s website
- Press Release 23 October 2018
- Government approves programme of action to respect the memory and dignity of children who died in Tuam Mother and Baby Home Statement by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone TD
- Tuam Mother And Baby Home, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Human Rights Issues At The Former Site Of The Mother And Baby Home, Tuam, Co. Galway by Dr Geoffrey Shannon.
Minister Zappone speaks at ‘Towards Transitional Justice’ Conferenceat Boston College
On Thursday 1st November Minister Zappone addressed the Towards Transitional Justice Conference at Boston College. The full text of her address can be found on the DCYA website here
Collaborative Forum
The Collaborative Forum has held 3 meetings to date.
The three themed subcommittees have all met on a number of occasions also. Guest speakers have made presentations
to the subcommittees which have aided and enhanced their work to prioritise their issues and prepare draft input for
the report due in December.
Minutes from the Collaborative Forum are published on the Department's website.
Monthly Update on Issues relating to Mother and Baby Homes - November 2018.