06/10/2017 - Minister Zappone meets with former residents in Cork
A second Facilitated Meeting is taking place today (6th October 2017) at the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel just outside Cork city centre. This event was aimed at former residents and their supporters who were unable to attend the initial meeting held in June at the Weston Hotel in Dublin. Approximately 30 people are participating in the day including former residents, members of representative groups and their supporters.
Once again the day is focusing on gaining an understanding of the views of former residents on the Commission’s Second Interim Report and, specifically, exploring if there are particular supports in the areas of health and well being that could be of value to former residents. Following on from this event a second Facilitators Report will be prepared and shared with participants.
A final report will then be presented to Minister Zappone. The two Facilitated Reports will then be used to inform the Ministers consultations with her cabinet colleagues on these matters. Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Katherine Zappone, who was in attendance, would like to extend her thanks to all participants for sharing their experiences and making the event what it was.
The Minister would also like to once again thank Jim Halley and his colleagues for facilitating the dialogue and ensuring that everyone’s voice can be heard.